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Monthly Archives: July 2023


Four Ways To Provide For Loved Ones While Avoiding Probate In Tampa

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A will is one of the most basic and important estate planning documents in Tampa. However, even with one in place, your loved ones will still have to go through probate, which can be a confusing and time-consuming process. Our experienced Tampa estate planning attorney explains four ways to avoid these proceedings. Steps To… Read More »

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Updating Your Estate Plan In Tampa If You Moved From Out Of State

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Estate planning in Tampa helps protect you, your loved ones, and your assets against unexpected events. It is important to periodically review and update the estate planning documents you have in place, particularly if you recently moved from another state. Our experienced Tampa estate planning attorney can help you throughout the process and explains… Read More »

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Four Common Situations That Can Prompt Changes To Your Tampa Will

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Having a legally valid will in Tampa is important for anyone, regardless of your age, family size, or financial status. If you have never taken the time to create one, our Tampa wills attorney encourages you to do so now. If you have a will, the following are four common situations in which it… Read More »

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How Older Adults Can Protect Themselves Against Identity Theft

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Identity theft is an unfortunately common problem and older adults are among the most frequently targeted victims. Sadly, it can have a devastating effect not only on your finances but also on your overall health. Our Tampa elder care attorney explains some of the reasons it is so common and how older adults can… Read More »

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