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Monthly Archives: September 2023


Tampa Asset Protection Strategies For Business Owners

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Owning a business comes with heavy responsibility. In addition to protecting profits and ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly, you also need to be proactive in planning for the future. Our experienced Tampa asset protection attorney explains legal strategies for business owners that provide guidance and help prevent losses in case the unexpected happens…. Read More »

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Five Facts About Medicaid Planning In Tampa

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You work all your life to make ends meet and pay for all the things your family wants and needs. Unfortunately, common health issues that go along with aging can impact your ability to provide for yourself and others, necessitating the need for long-term care. Paying for services you require can quickly deplete all… Read More »

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Creating A Living Will In Tampa: Benefits And What To Include

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While it may not be pleasant to contemplate end-of-life issues, the fact is that unexpected injuries and illnesses do happen. Creating a living will in advance helps to convey your wishes and spares your family from having to make painful decisions on your behalf or to guess what you might have wanted. Our Tampa… Read More »

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How A Trust Allows You To Protect And Provide For Children, Even After You Are Gone

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One of the biggest concerns among parents is what will happen to their children once they are gone. Regardless of their age, you want to ensure they are provided for and protected. While creating a will is a smart idea and allows you to leave them money, property, or other assets in the event… Read More »

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