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Monthly Archives: October 2023


Estate Planning For Blended Families

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Blended families, in which spouses have children from prior relationships, are commonplace. While the love between you may be as strong as with any other type of family, the fact is that there can be some potential legal complications. This is particularly true when it comes to estate planning. Our Tampa estate planning attorney… Read More »

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Providing For Pets In Tampa Estate Planning

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Pets are often considered beloved family members. While you may have made provisions to provide for your pet’s health and passing, are they protected in the event anything happens to you? Our Tampa estate planning attorney explains how including pets in your will and other estate planning documents helps to ensure they continue to… Read More »

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Providing An Inventory Of Digital Assets For Your Tampa Will

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Most of us spend a lot of time on electronic devices. Scrolling through social media posts, monitoring web pages, sending out emails, and other activities can play an important role both in your personal and professional life. Unfortunately, our Tampa wills attorney warns that this is one of the most commonly overlooked areas in… Read More »

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Four Frequently Asked Questions About Estate Planning In Tampa

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Estate planning is an important matter and helps to ensure you and your loved ones are properly protected in case of unexpected events in the future. However, many people are uncertain of what creating an estate plan requires or whether they actually need one. Our experienced Tampa estate planning attorney provides answers to some… Read More »

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10 Warning Signs Of Identity Theft

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Identity theft is currently the most common type of fraud. It results in billions of dollars in losses each year and while it can happen to anyone, older adults are frequently targeted. By impersonating you, accessing your accounts, and authorizing payments, fraudsters can quickly cause a devastating amount of harm. Our Tampa asset protection… Read More »

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