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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Five Ways Creating A Trust In Tampa Can Help Protect You And Your Assets

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You work hard to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Unfortunately, health concerns, taxes, lawsuits, and other circumstances out of your control can jeopardize your property and assets. Creating a trust helps to prevent that from happening. Our Tampa trust attorney explains five ways a trust can help to protect you, your family,… Read More »

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What Happens If Someone Dies Without A Will In Tampa?

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The loss of a loved one is always devastating. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of their death, there are practical matters that must be addressed. This includes settling their estate. A will acts as your guide through this process. Our Tampa wills attorney explains what can happen if you fail to put one in place…. Read More »

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Spring Cleaning? Five Tips To Streamline Estate Planning In Tampa

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Spring offers the opportunity to do a thorough housecleaning, getting rid of unwanted items and reorganizing others. Sorting through personal documents as part of spring cleaning can provide peace of mind and provides the perfect opportunity to review your estate planning documents. Our Tampa estate planning attorney offers tips to help streamline the process…. Read More »

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