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Advance Directives: Tampa Estate Planning Documents You Need To Have In Place


Unexpected events happen and can have major impacts on your family. In the event of a severe illness or injury that leaves you incapacitated, you want the people you love to know what to do and how you would want the situation handled. Advance directives accomplish this goal and are important legal documents everyone should have in place. Our Tampa estate planning attorney explains more about what they cover and when they go into effect.

Advance Directives In Tampa

Advance directives dictate medical care and quality of life issues in the event you suffer a major accident or illness that leaves you incapacitated. They convey your wishes to family and friends, preventing them from having to guess what you might have wanted and sparing them additional anguish during an already difficult time.

Under Chapter 765.101 of the Florida Statutes, advance directives are formal instructions that authorize certain people in advance to act on your behalf in making major decisions that impact your life and financial security. Common types of advance directives in Tampa include:

  • Legal power of attorney: This authorizes someone you trust to address important financial matters if you cannot.
  • Health care power of attorney: This authorizes someone you trust to make major medical decisions on your behalf.
  • Living will: This conveys your wishes regarding emergency medical care and life-sustaining treatments.
  • Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders: These convey your final wishes regarding end-of-life care and the use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other life-saving techniques in the event your heart stops beating or you stop breathing.
  • Organ donation forms: These assert that you are an organ donor and specify the specific contributions you wish to make.

All of the above play an important role in protecting you and your loved ones while helping to make a difficult time somewhat more manageable.

When Advance Directives Go Into Effect

Unexpected adverse health events can happen to anyone and at any age. As a result, everyone is encouraged to put a living will and advance planning documents in place. The National Council On Aging advises that it is particularly important for older adults but should be included whenever someone creates a will or other estate planning documents in Tampa.

Advance directives go into effect if you are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate with loved ones and medical providers on your own. Circumstances in which this can happen include:

  • You are involved in a major accident, such as a house fire or a car crash;
  • You suffer severe injuries while engaged in sports or recreational activities;
  • You suffer worsening symptoms associated with severe illnesses, such as respiratory diseases and cancer;
  • You suffer high blood pressure or other symptoms that result in adverse events such as heart attacks or strokes.

Contact Our Tampa Estate Planning Attorney

At Strategic Counsel Law Group, L.C., we provide trusted legal guidance in putting advance directives and other important estate planning documents in place. Contact us today to request a consultation with our Tampa estate planning attorney.


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