Category Archives: Asset Protection

Tampa Asset Protection Strategies: Protecting Yourself Against Lawsuits And Creditor Claims
Honest, well-meaning, and otherwise responsible people can find themselves the subject of lawsuits. Perhaps you fell behind in paying a creditor, someone got injured on your property, or you ran into an issue running a business. In these and other situations, you could face legal action or have a judgment issued against you, resulting… Read More »

How To Prevent Identity Theft In Tampa: Protecting Your Assets This Holiday Season
The holidays are a favorite time of year, but the costs associated with planning feasts and purchasing gifts for family and friends can quickly add up. Unfortunately, if you are not careful, it can end up costing significantly more than planned. Identity theft is common at this time of year and can result in… Read More »

10 Warning Signs Of Identity Theft
Identity theft is currently the most common type of fraud. It results in billions of dollars in losses each year and while it can happen to anyone, older adults are frequently targeted. By impersonating you, accessing your accounts, and authorizing payments, fraudsters can quickly cause a devastating amount of harm. Our Tampa asset protection… Read More »

Tampa Asset Protection Strategies For Business Owners
Owning a business comes with heavy responsibility. In addition to protecting profits and ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly, you also need to be proactive in planning for the future. Our experienced Tampa asset protection attorney explains legal strategies for business owners that provide guidance and help prevent losses in case the unexpected happens…. Read More »

New Year’s Tax Planning Tips
The end of the year typically involves a flurry of activities, most of which center around preparing for the holiday season. For many people, while attending to end-of-year tax planning is important, it is also easily forgotten or at the bottom of to-do lists. Now that a new year has begun and your mailbox… Read More »