Category Archives: Trust

Five Ways Creating A Trust In Tampa Can Help Protect You And Your Assets
You work hard to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Unfortunately, health concerns, taxes, lawsuits, and other circumstances out of your control can jeopardize your property and assets. Creating a trust helps to prevent that from happening. Our Tampa trust attorney explains five ways a trust can help to protect you, your family,… Read More »

How A Trust Can Work Alongside Your Will
Creating a will in Tampa is a top priority for everyone, regardless of current health or age. Unexpected events happen, and having a will not only provides guidance for your loved ones but is also needed in probate court proceedings. In many cases, it is a good idea to create a trust alongside your… Read More »

How A Trust Allows You To Protect And Provide For Children, Even After You Are Gone
One of the biggest concerns among parents is what will happen to their children once they are gone. Regardless of their age, you want to ensure they are provided for and protected. While creating a will is a smart idea and allows you to leave them money, property, or other assets in the event… Read More »

Five Types Of Detailed Distributions You Can Make Through A Trust
Trusts play an important role in estate planning, providing tax benefits, and can aid in protecting assets by assuring Medicaid eligibility. Another major, yet often overlooked, benefit is that a trust also allows you to make more detailed distributions among your heirs. Our Tampa trust attorney provides five common examples of how clients and… Read More »

Revocable V. Irrevocable Trusts In Florida: What Are The Differences?
In addition to wills, trusts can effectively transfer assets and achieve specific goals for your beneficiaries. Unlike a will, trusts do not need to pass through the probate process, and their assets can reach your beneficiaries quickly and cost-effectively. Trusts also have certain benefits for tax and asset protection that other estate planning methods… Read More »

4 Common Trust Mistakes
Trusts are terrific estate planning vehicles that provide many advantages to our clients. Our clients can protect their privacy, avoid probate, and lower their estate taxes with the right trust. However, a trust is not a DIY project, even for the most sophisticated person. Many mistakes derail even a carefully created estate plan, leaving… Read More »