Our Tampa Elder Care Attorney Explains How To Protect Older Adults Online And On Social Media
For older adults, the internet can be a valuable resource. Through websites and social media platforms, people over 65 can stay current on the latest happenings with their families, keep in touch with old friends, get news and gather other information.
Unfortunately, being online can also pose serious risks to older adults. Scammers frequently target this age group, with the intent of exploiting them. Our Tampa elder care attorney explains more about the problem and how to protect the older adults you love.
Social Media Poses Risks To Older Adults in Tampa
Maintaining an online presence provides many benefits to older adults, but it can also pose serious risks. According to the National Council on Aging, people over 65 are the most commonly targeted group by online scammers. One of the most likely places they look for victims is on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram.
While creating a profile page and following friends and family can provide older adults with the social interaction they crave, it is important to take steps to protect their online security. These include:
- Setting social media accounts to private;
- Only accepting friend requests from people you know and trust;
- Being aware that identities can be stolen and social media pages hacked;
- Not clicking on suspicious links;
- Not giving out personal information about yourself, both in your profile and when engaged in social media ‘quizzes’ or other types of games.
Protecting The Security Of Older Adults Online
Social media can pose serious hazards to seniors. Photos of them may be posted without permission and scammers may attempt to impersonate them or gain access to sensitive information. However, it is not the only place where their personal safety and financial security are at risk.
According to the National Cybersecurity Council, older adults and the people who love them need to be aware that they can also be targeted through emails, chat rooms, and phony internet websites. To protect their security, follow these tips:
- Lock all devices when not in use;
- Create a password that would be tough for a scammer to crack;
- Verify online businesses are legitimate before giving them money or your personal information;
- Be cautious in opening unfamiliar emails and refuse to respond to any financial requests;
- Make sure your computer has the latest anti-virus software;
- Check with a trusted friend or family member friend first before taking any online actions.
Request A Consultation With Our Tampa Elder Care Attorney
Cybersecurity is a serious matter and older adults are among those most likely to be targeted by online scammers. Unfortunately, this could cost them their life savings while opening them up to various other types of exploitation.
At Strategic Counsel Law Group, L.C., we help you take the actions needed to protect them. To discuss this or other important matters with our Tampa elder law attorney, call or contact our office online and request a consultation today.