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Qualities To Look For In A Tampa Personal Representative


A new year offers the opportunity to assess where you are, where you have been, and where you want to be in the year ahead. Among the various tasks on your 2024 to-do list, make creating or updating your will a top priority. In doing so, you will need someone to act as your personal representative. Our Tampa wills attorney explains qualities to look for in the person you select for this important role.

The Importance Of Selecting The Right Personal Representative

A personal representative is someone named in your will, who you have pre-selected to act on your behalf in the event of your death. They are responsible for filing your will with the Hillsborough County Probate Court and taking the actions needed in closing your estate. This includes:

  • Accounting for all property and assets listed in your will;
  • Locating and notifying everyone entitled to inherit from your estate;
  • Collecting any outstanding money owed and satisfying credit claims;
  • Filing final estate tax returns;
  • Distributing items among designated beneficiaries.

Under the Florida Statutes, a personal representative must be at least 18 years old and either a resident of the state or related to you by blood or marriage. They must also be physically and mentally capable of serving in this capacity, with no felony convictions in their past.

Aside from these qualities, you want someone you trust to fill this important role. Selecting the wrong person to act as a personal representative can cost your family time and money, and increases the likelihood of contentious probate court disputes.

What To Look For When Selecting A Personal Representative In Tampa

A will is one of the most basic and important estate planning documents. It conveys your final wishes, provides a detailed list of all your property and assets, and determines who inherits what. If you have not yet created one, put this at the top of your to-do list for 2024. If you have a will in place already, the new year provides the perfect opportunity to update it.

This includes selecting the appropriate person to act as your personal representative. Qualities we suggest you look for include:

  • Familiar: They should be someone close enough to respond in the event of an emergency and familiar with what you would want for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Trustworthy: You should be able to count on them to ensure your final wishes are followed.
  • Detail-oriented: There are numerous details that must be attended to when administering a will and closing an estate in Tampa.
  • Willing and able: Above all, they should be aware of what will be required, willing to assume the role, and mentally and physically up to the task.

Discuss Your Options With Our Tampa Wills Attorney

At the Strategic Counsel Law Group, L.C., we provide the trusted legal guidance you need in putting a will and other important estate planning documents in place. To discuss your options in selecting a personal representative or other matters with our Tampa wills attorney, call or contact our office online today.


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